Seasonal Stress

A one-hour awareness session that provides practical takeaways in a flexible timeframe
  • 1 Hour
  • Seminar (Awareness)
  • General Audience


As with any transition, seasonal changes can be stressful on the body and the mind.  For many people, the holiday season can be a time of hectic schedules, overindulgence, or increased burdens. For others, changes in weather and exposure to sunlight can also result in sleep disturbances or decreases in energy and motivation. This seminar will teach participants simple strategies to stay energized over the holidays by providing valuable tips to improve their sleep and eating habits, and the importance of maintaining a positive outlook during this stressful time.


A 1-hour instructor led training session that combines lecture elements with a variety of engaging elements like Q&A, group discussion, as well as polling and chat functionality when delivered virtually