The program will provide the current best practices on an urgent topic that the entire corporate world is reanalyzing to find and apply necessary changes. In presenting this critically important information, we understand and acknowledge how the changes now occurring have created uncertainty and hesitation in women and men of goodwill. And with that understanding, we will provide a forum for participation by employees without judgment or criticism. Our ultimate goal is to create an opportunity for all the attendees to learn and evolve with respect to this very important topic, as we strive to do each and every time we present it.
New York City
On April 11, 2018, the New York City Council enacted the Stop Sexual Harassment in NYC Act, this legislation is aimed at preventing sexual harassment in the workplace. The new law requires private employers with 15 or more employees to conduct annual anti-sexual harassment training for all employees starting April 1, 2019.
Training must be provided to new employees within 90 days of hire unless the employee received training at another employer within the same training cycle, and once per cycle to all employees otherwise.
New York State
There are several provisions aimed at sexual harassment, including a model sexual harassment policy and training program. These are similar but not identical to the requirements set forth by New York City.
The bill requires employers to provide interactive training annually.